Monday, April 25, 2011

Paper Piecing

I took a class last week on paper piecing using patterns from England Design Studios.  I have taken paper piecing classes before, but this method was very different.  I really enjoyed it and bought a pattern.  Here is what we worked on.

IMAG0277  I like the way it went together and how it allows you to piece absolutely any shape.  I plan to come up with some patterns of my own.

I took my mini iron to the paper piecing class with me and used a hand towel for an ironing mat.  When the class was over my iron was still hot.  (something I didn't think about until I was unplugging it.) I wrapped it in the hand towel and it was fine, but I decided I wanted a better solution to for an ironing pad and traveling with a hot iron.  Here is what I came up with.....

IMAG0279I made an ironing pad with Insul-Bright sandwiched between two layers of batting and then covered with fabric.


   I added a loop
   on one end and
two tabs with velcro
on the other end.


   Here is my ironing pad
with my mini iron


I put the loop over
the handle of the
hot iron

I rolled the iron
toward the center
and used one
tab with velcro
to secure the cord


I rolled the
iron over
once more

IMAG0286.jpgI used the other tab to wrap around the outside to secure the iron and cord


Amy said...

love the butterfly. very nice travel mat for your iron.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

The butterfly block looks really fun to make. I was this paper pieceing class different than other you have taken? Is is possible to do a few pictures on the method?
